The Vestry operates under the guidance of the Rector, as its Presiding Officer. It is comprised of 12 elected members including the Senior and Junior Wardens. The Clerk and Treasurer may be non-voting members. The Officers and Members assist the Rector in the furtherance of the mission, welfare, property, financial affairs and effectiveness of the Church. The Members of the Vestry are elected to a three-year term, and four of the 12 elected members rotate off the Vestry every January at our Annual Parish Meeting. Each member serves as a liaison to a ministry group.
Officers of the Vestry
Clinton Gibbs, Senior Warden
Sharon Rodgers, Junior Warden
Debbyann Prescott, Clerk
Brian McClain, Chancellor
The Vestry
Terms expire at Annual Meeting 2026
Sharon Rodgers,
Jr. Warden
Michael Sewell
Doreen Williams
Terms expire at Annual Meeting 2027
Gwyneth Francis
Clinton Gibbs,
Sr. Warden
Dwayne Morrell
Patricia Rowe-King
Terms expire at Annual Meeting 2028
Stefan McHardy
Fiona Morrell
Gail Newell-Sanoir
Marlene Smith