Baby Blessings
The birth of a child is an exciting and joyous occasion in the life of any family. Soon after your bundle of joy is born, our priest normally visits you at the hospital or at home and does a brief service of blessing of your newborn and the family in what is called the “Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child.” It is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks to Almighty God for a safe delivery and for your new baby.

Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation into faith community of the Church. Holy Sacrament, they are normally held during the 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist on Sunday mornings.  Although the Episcopal Church has identified five particular days on which baptisms can be administered, at Holy Sacrament, they are held once a month. Preparation and instruction for Baptism is typically held privately, and are required. Adult candidates for baptism are also required to engage in preparation.  Please click here for the Baptismal Form.

Funerals and Memorial Services
Holy Sacrament provides comfort, support and planning of services in your time of sorrow and need. Funeral and Memorial Services are held for both members of our church family and for persons who do not currently have a spiritual home. The Howard Schwickart’s Memorial Garden, situated on the west side of our church campus offers a place for prayer, reflection and quietness.  Please click here for the Funeral Registration Form.

Home and Hospital Visitations (Care Teams)
This group of ladies provide visitations to home and hospitalized members of our Church as well as respite care for the sick, housebound members and their families. They are instrumental in coordinating visits to doctor’s offices and making follow-up telephone calls.  For more information on our Home and Hospital Visitations, please click on one of the following contacts:  Princess Blair, or Maisie Pearson, or Lillieth Rankine

Prayer Requests
Please click here to email our Prayer Team Coordinator, Veronica Francis, telling us the name of the individual or parishioner for whom you would like us to pray. In addition, we will need to know if the person desires being prayed for by name during our worship services, and would like to have their name printed in our Sunday bulletin and in the E-Blast, our weekly newsletter. If they are in the hospital, please let us know the name of the hospital and room number, and if they would like a visit from a priest.

The anticipation and preparation of a wedding is an exciting time in the life of the couple and their families. As couples prepare for their wedding, we seek to lend encouragement, and support during the time of marriage preparation and at the time of the wedding. As important as the wedding is, the couple’s life together thereafter is even more crucial. Holy Sacrament perform the marriages of couples who are members of our Church or their parents are. However, we also officiate at the weddings of persons who are not members of our Church. But one criteria is that couples are expected to attend worship services regularly during the time of marriage preparation. Please click here for the Marriage Registration Form.