Annual Health Fair
Held every summer, this event is free and is opened to members of the Church and the entire local community. Health professionals and health-related personnel showcase their businesses, displaying pertinent information about health-related topics, diseases, illnesses, and health insurance. Health Education Seminars are conducted, medical services in a number of areas including hypertension, blood sugar, dental hygiene, nutrition, vascular, and the like, are performed. Food that is in keeping with such an event is served.
Feeding the Homeless
Periodically throughout the year, the members of the Brotherhood of Faith (Men’s Group) feed the homeless at various centers in Broward County.
Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Gifts
During the holiday season, Holy Sacrament Church engages in outreach opportunities to the local community through its mission organization, Friends Reaching Friends, and the Church’s Youth Department. These two organizations deliver Thanksgiving baskets to families with terminally-ill children and to those who are unable to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. At Christmas time, in addition to the Angel Tree Gift Program for the children in Jamaica, Friends Reaching Friends distribute Christmas gifts to families with terminally-ill children.
Broward Outreach Center
Members of Friends Reaching Friends volunteer at Broward Outreach Center on Thanksgiving Day by handing out clothing and footwear to the homeless.
Christmas Angel Tree Gift Program
The Christmas Angel Tree Gift program, which begins in early November, provides gifts for orphaned and underprivileged children in Jamaica. Children from the Granville Home for Girls, Falmouth, Clifton Boys’ Home, Darliston, and St. Monica’s Home, Chapleton, submit the names or kinds of gifts they would like to receive for Christmas, along with their gender and age. Gift tags, with their information, are placed on a Christmas tree, located in the church’s lobby, and members of the Church Family purchase the gifts on the behalf of the children. The gifts are taken by the missionaries on the Christmas Mission in early December.