The mission and outreach organization of Holy Sacrament
which focuses on outreach and mission is called
Friends Reaching Friends (FRF).
Since 1986, this non-profit organization and the Church
have been involved in community and humanitarian projects
both locally and internationally.
Summer Missions
We have assisted and answered the needs of people in Haiti, Panama, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Belize and in the Florida Keys, in pediatric, adult, and dental care, construction, spiritual enrichment, and life improvement seminars. We also promote positive self-esteem, self-reliance and empowerment, while at the same time building relationships and awareness of people’s plight.
Christmas Missions
Annually, during the first half of December, missionaries travel to Jamaica on a three to four-day trip to spread Christmas cheer through the giving of gifts to the staff and children residing in Granville Home for Girls, Falmouth; the Clifton Boys’ Home in Darliston; and St. Monica‘s Home, Chapleton. These gifts are provided through a Christmas Angel Tree program which begins in early November. Supplies are also delivered to the Alexander Bustamante Children’s Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica.
Local Outreach
Friends Reaching Friends engage in the distribution of Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gifts to poor families with terminally-ill children.
In addition to our FRF Ministry, we contribute to the United Thank Offering (UTO), and the Church Periodical Club (CPC), two ministries under the auspices of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW). These ministries support national and international Episcopal ministries. During the year, the Brotherhood of Faith (Men’s Group) feeds the homeless at various centers in the Broward County. The Youth Department also deliver Thanksgiving baskets to families who are unable to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.
Additionally, the Church contributes to Food for the Poor (FFTP), an ecumenical Christian nonprofit organization that provides food, shelter, medicine, and other services, to the poor in the Caribbean and Latin America.
Annual Health Fair
Held every summer, this event, sponsored by the Church’s Fellowship Purpose Group, is free and is opened to the entire community. Health professionals perform medical services including Pediatric, Adult, & Female Health Counseling, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugars, Cholesterol and Vision Screening, Blood Donation Drive, Dental Hygiene, Confidential HIV Tests, Chair Massages, Biometrics, Immunizations, and Health and Wellness Education and Insurance Seminars. Health-related personnel showcase their businesses, displaying pertinent information about health-related topics, diseases, illnesses, and health insurance, while Health Education Seminars are also presented. In recent years, school supplies and back packs are distributed at the fair through our Back to School Supplies and Back Packs Drive, and food distribution has been done courtesy of Farm Share.