Welcome to Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church!

How does one become a member of Holy Sacrament? Holy Sacrament welcomes all persons to attend any of our worship services. Adults and children, who are baptized, are welcomed to receive the Blessed Sacrament or Holy Communion. We also request that you share your contact information so that we can get to know more about you and to communicate with you. However, an individual does not have to join the church in a formal manner in order to worship, attend classes, participate in activities and support financially to the ministries of the parish. Nevertheless, we are very appreciative when you consider becoming a member of our Church. There are five (5) ways by which this can be accomplished.

1.  Baptism:
Children, from infancy, and adults are baptized at Holy Sacrament. It is desired that parents of children are members of Holy Sacrament, although it is not mandatory. However, the parents should believe in the baptism of infants. Parents of children, and adults who desire to be baptized are required to complete a Baptism Registration Form and to schedule an appointment with the Parish Administrator to meet with the Rector for Pre-Baptism Preparation. Parents are expected to choose at least two (2) Godparents (one male, one female) who are baptized and practicing Christians, one of whom preferably should be a member of the Episcopal Church. Adults only need a sponsor who is baptized, and a practicing Christian, preferably of the Episcopal Church.

2.  Confirmation:
After baptism, an individual, subsequently receives the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation through the Laying on of Hands by a Bishop. Adults and teenagers make a mature affirmation of faith, commitment to their baptismal responsibilities, and receives the “strengthening” of the Holy Spirit for ministry. Prior to being confirmed, the individual needs to complete a Confirmation Registration Form, and undergo a series of classes on topics including the Scriptures, the Sacraments, the Church in general, and the Episcopal Church in particular.

3.  Reception:
Reserved for persons who have been confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Orthodox Churches, and desire to become members of the Episcopal Church. These churches share similar practices and teachings about Christian initiation to that of the Episcopal Church. A Membership Form is to be completed. Reception takes place when the bishop visits the parish.

4.  Transferal:
Persons who are members of another Episcopal congregation may request a transferal to Holy Sacrament, if they desire to become members of our church.

5.  Non-Church Affiliation:
Persons who are not affiliated with any church, but can show proof of being previously baptized and would like to become a member of Holy Sacrament are welcomed to do so. They will need to complete a membership form and submit it to the Church Office for record.

Our goal is to assist you in understanding our Church, its ministries, and programs, to help you find your place in our Church’s life, and to assist in preparing and equipping member for the ministry to which Christ has called him or her. We seek to do this in three (3) ways:

  1. Membership Class 101: This informative class is a requirement for anyone desiring to join Holy Sacrament. The class is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the biblical aspect as we seek to learn more about the Christian faith and our relationship with God in Christ. Part 2 examines the Episcopal Church and Anglican ethos. The classes are held on Saturday mornings for two hours each during the months of April/May and October/November. At the end of the second class, the Guest Host Ministry hosts a wonderful luncheon for the new members.
  2. Time and Talent Survey: This survey, which is distributed at the time of the Stewardship Campaign, allows both new and existing members of the Church to identify the areas of ministry in which they are interested and the special talents that you would like to contribute to the work and ministry of the Church.
  3. Ministry Education Sundays: Church Groups showcase their respective ministries and organizations to the congregation on two Sundays during the month of October each year. Members are given an opportunity to sign up for ministries and groups of their choice.

For more information about becoming a member of Holy Sacrament please call 954-432-8686.