Holy Sacrament provides an array of opportunities for Christian education. We are committed to an active ongoing educational effort.
Adult Christian Education
Adult Education is offered throughout the year in various programs and classes. The Adult Education group meets every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. to discuss various biblical texts and topical issues. During Lent, the Rector leads a Wednesday night Lenten Series and Discussion. Please click here to email Shirley Murray.
Confirmation Class
In the Episcopal Church, the Rite or Sacrament of Holy Confirmation is a time when a boy or girl makes the mature decision to confirm the promises that their parents and Godparents made on their behalf as a child at Baptism. At Holy Sacrament, Confirmation classes for children, 12 years and older, are held on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. (October to May), at which time the Bishop visits the parish, and lays hands on the individuals. Through teaching and discussion, fellowship and mentorship, the Confirmation candidates share in a journey towards a more matured faith. For more information, please click here to email Judith Keane.
First Communion Class
This is the term used for a child’s first reception of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist., which Jesus Christ instituted by giving His Body and Blood for us, so that we, in turn, may give ourselves to Him in love and relationship with Him. Holy Sacrament offers First Communion classes for children 7 years and older. These classes prepare children for receiving the Eucharist. For more information, please click here to email Barry Nugent.
Membership Class 101
All new members are invited to attend a formal educational program (Membership Class 101) consisting of four hours of orientation to the Episcopal Church with particular attention to our parish. The class covers topics ranging from bible orientation to ministries available to our Christian responsibility of sharing our time, talent, and treasure. Please click here to email Winsome Henry, our Parish Administrator, or call 954-432-8686.
Sunday School for Children and Youth
Sunday School is offered for pre-K to high school from September through June. This begins at 10:15 a.m. and the children and young people join the Eucharist for worship during the Announcements. Please click here to email Debby-ann Prescott.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School is a form of religious education which focuses on children. At Holy Sacrament, the week-long spiritual experience is held during the last week or first week of July from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for children between kindergarten and grade 5. For more information, please click here to contact Patricia Harrison or click here to contact Dr. Dion Scotland.