Evangelism and Outreach
The mission and outreach organization of the Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church that focuses on evangelism, mission, and outreach is called Friends Reaching Friends. Since 1986, this non-profit organization and the Church have been involved in community and humanitarian projects. We have assisted and answered the needs of people in Haiti, Panama, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and currently in Belize, in pediatric, adult, and dental care, construction, spiritual enrichment, and life improvement seminars. We also promote positive self-esteem, self-reliance and empowerment, while at the same time building relationships and awareness of people’s plight. The organization also deliver gifts to children in Jamaica at Christmas time.

Locally, Friends Reaching Friends engage in the distribution of Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gifts to those who are ill or in need and the feeding of the homeless at the Broward Outreach Center.

Evangelism Purpose Group
This group consists of the leaders of the ministries or organizations relating to evangelism and outreach, or their representative. The Rector or his/her designee shall be ex-officio members of the Group and two members of the Vestry serve as liaisons to the Group.

The purpose of the Group is to ascertain ways in which the Good News of Christ is shared in word and action through evangelism and mission with those in our community and beyond. In addressing and implementing ministries, programs, and projects, the Evangelism Purpose Group does so in the context of the vision and mission of the Parish and its goals and needs.